Friday, July 30, 2010

One Picture: Summer at the Community Garden

Our Community Garden is thriving and I'm excited to watch it grow. I haven't had much time to go out and work on it, but I'm eager to start an herb bed and some late summer tomatoes. How is your garden growing?

It's hard to help your garden thrive when the temperatures are soaring. Every gardener that I speak with here in Jacksonville Florida that got their start in other states or countries unanimously say this is the hardest climate they've ever had to grow in.

Truly, summer is the worst time to grow vegetables in North Florida. It's like trying to grow plants in the fire and brimstone of hell! Below are some tips that should help you get through the hottest months:

2010 Gardening Calendar:'s annual planting guide

Watering Tips for Our Dry Summer Helping the plants survive the scorching heat.

Essential Summer Gardening Tips When to prune, when to water, and other essential tips

Sometimes slaving away in the garden during the hottest months feels like masochistic torture, but eating meals made from fresh, organic, home grown vegetables always makes the torture worth it. Make sure you stock a cooler full of tasty ice cold drinks before you head out into the inferno, I know I will!

This Post is Linked to: Frugal Friday / Feature Yourself Friday / Finding Fabulous

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Vintage Things, I Covet Thee


Just some nice vintage things

To look at (with your eyes!)

Because their design and colors inspire us.

And their glowing sleek surfaces beguile.

All while they bring back happy memories.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

$45 Yard Sale Discovery Actually Worth $200 Million!

Rick Norsigian, a 64-year-old painter and habitual thriftier in Fresno, made the ultimate discovery. He paid $45 for a box full of black and white glass negatives at a California yard sale in 2000. The $45 price was a bargain- especially when it turns out the purchase has an estimated value of $200 Million!

After a six-month expert examination the 65 negatives are proclaimed as the early “lost” works of famed nature photographer Ansel Adams. These very same negatives were belived to have been obliterated when Adam's Yosemtie Park Studio burned down in 1937.

Ansel Adam’s heirs are skeptical about the lost negatives claims for several legitimate reasons. It’s curious that the negatives were “misplaced” when Ansel Adams was known to be meticulous about his negatives; he stored them in a bank vault after his studio was destroyed by a fire.

One of the "lost negatives". See more on Yahoo News.

Regardless, Norsigian is already profiting from his discovery. He’s set up a website to sell prints made from 17 negatives from $45 for a poster to $7,500 for a darkroom print with a certificate of authenticity. A documentary covering his quest to have the negatives authenticated is entitled “Ansel Adams: Lost and Found” is in post-production. Even a touring exhibition is in the works!

It’s hard to say if these negatives are the works of the famed photographer but you can’t deny prints are strongly reminiscent of his work.  Either way, this is an incredibly inspiring example to thrifters and junkers everywhere. Finds like this are incredibly rare, but this reminds you to check the value of anything you have even a slight inkling about. Hunt diligently; you never know what you’ll uncover!

Rick Norsigian may make a profit from the discovery of these negatives but what made Ansel Adams world famous were his moody prints, masterfully produced in the dark room using techniques and tools (like dark red filters) to heighten contrasts and create a larger than life play on light and shadow. Those skills went with the legend when he died in 1984 at age 82.

I have no illusions about discovering a box of something worth $200 Million, but this certainly inspires me to look at every item and contemplate its value and potential.

This post is linked to: Welcome Wednesday / Works for Me Wednesdays / Creative Therapy Session / Show and Tell / Penny Pinching Party / We Did it Wednesdays / Make it Yours Day

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thrifted Find- Michael Jackson "Off The Wall" Record...Case

On the same day I uncovered these vintage 70s items I spied a Michael Jackson Off The Wall record case sitting by the cash register. Unfortunately it was merely the case but for $4 it was a bargain.

I love how the record case is unlawful and forbidden. "For Promotion Only, Ownership Reserved by CBS Sale is Unlawful". Too bad, it's mine now, suckers. I was going to wait to write about this blog post after I finished my Michael Jackson Shrine hanging my tiny collection of Michael Jackson memorabilia (1984 Thriller Tops Cards, A Moonwalker Poster, and eight Jackson 5 Records) but who knows when that will happen? 

Close friends and others who've read this blog since it's inception know I'm a huge Michael Jackson fan. When writing about a song that sums up my personal style I chose "Off The Wall". I wrote a quick blurb after he died and even had a bit of an epiphany when The Jackson's "Show You The Way to Go" played on the radio

Off the Wall is my favorite Micheal Jackson record. His first solo record has a lot of heart and occupies a jazzy R&B late-disco-funky realm that suits his vocals. Thriller was legendary but Off The Wall was a sleek and sophisticated package, there's not a dud song on the roster.

(Okay, I'll admit "She's Out of My Life" is cloyingly saccharine and "Girlfriend" is slightly mediocre but MJ sings both to perfection, damn you!)

Off The Wall has my favorite Michael Jackson Song (I could almost choose Show You The Way To Go but that's a song by The Jacksons, not Michael Jackson) which is the effortlessly smooth Jazz piece I Can't Help It. Written by another favorite singer and legend the untouchable Stevie Wonder, I can't imagine anyone other than Michael Jackson singing this piece. The soft, drifting bass line (frequently sampled) blends together with Michael's smooth voice perfectly.

Ah, listening to this song is a beautiful way to start the day. Every time I peer through records at thrift stores I hope to uncover a hidden and forgotten Off The Wall record to cherish.

This post linked at:  New Nostalgia / Today's Creative Blog / Review Retreat / Craft Edition / Tuesday Tagalong

Monday, July 26, 2010

Fun Vintage Finds: Toys, Teacups, & More

A favorite thrift haunt Southern Crossing Antique Mall had a price reduction on treasures I'd been eyeing for months. Of course, I swooped in for the kill.

I wrote about these tea cups in this blog post. Reduced to $2 each I couldn't resist them. The bottom says "Made in Poland." The whimsical mermaid cups are hand painted, I can't tell what era they're from.

This Top Cat Frame Tray Puzzle is Copyright 1961. I love the colorful artwork and the night sky backdrop. Hopefully an enthusiastic collector will take it off my hands (although I'll enjoy seeing it at home in the meantime).I paid $5.00 for this puzzle.

For a mere $2.00 I got this beautiful box of Insect Information flash cards (copyright 1977). I bought these to sell but I'll be sad to let them go. The box art alone is gorgeous, but the flash cards are rife with information to help you identify and even keep your own bugs for observation. This brings back memories of languid summer evenings spent catching critters for amateur scientific study.

The top of the box has a beautiful lavendar moth illustration.

The final find was Founders Guide to Modern Decorating which is equal parts kitsch humor and torture. It's filled with photos of furniture that's hard to find these days.

Very interesting lumpy couches to the right! They look equal parts comfortable and bizarre!

I didn't do too bad for one thrift stop and paid $18.00 total for a few fun vintage treasures.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Bookshelf Doors to the Batcave, JUST LIKE BATMAN!

One time I wrote I learned to knit. I can do anything. I AM BATMAN. But I got busy and abandoned my knitting. And I'm sure I've forgotten how to knit all over again. (So I might not be BATMAN anymore) But I still need a thrifty way to resume my otherwordly Batman powers. I need my Batcave, my lair.

 I truly need this hidden room. And I will have it one day, I tell you, I will have it!

And in my lair will be my comics. Like The Dark Knight Returns where Batman is 55 with a serious case of black despondency because he's that god damn hardcore.

 A resplendent man cave. Note the masculine framed art, easily thrifted.

You know what's cool about Batman? When he wakes up he puts one foot on the ground and one foot up the ass of criminal scum. And he thinks the world would be better if you did the damn same. Wow. He's more brilliant than Sherlock Holmes and stronger than Hercules. Each part of his body is registered as a lethal weapon.

Get out of here, Boy Wonder. This is my "man-time" and you can't peek!

My lair will also have a box of crayons. A fresh new box with all 2,000 of the colors, and I'll use all of them. All. Of. Them. Maybe at once. Even those little neon bastards no one likes. Even if they all break at once. Why? Because that's what Batman DOES in his Bat Lair.

In all reality I have a rental so I can't have a magic bookshelf that slides open revealing my lair, but I CAN put a bookshelf in my inordinately long and seemingly unusable hallway. And then my hallway will be like my Batcave. And dammit, that's good enough for now.

And maybe, just maybe, these awesome bookshelf doors will inspire you to make your own Batcave too. Because everyone needs a little space that's just for them. Whether they fight crime and wear their underwears on the outside or not.

Image Credits: The amazing Apartment Therapy. Real content is coming soon, I promise! I needed a nonsense post.

This Post is Linked to: Frugal Friday / Feature Yourself Friday / Furniture Feature Friday / Finding Fabulous / Tidy Mom / Favorite Things Fridays / Flaunt it Friday / Fun to Craft

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chicago Designer Achieves High Style with Thrift

All images in today's post are from Garage Sale Warrior

I've been admiring the thrifty blog Garage Sale Warrior part of Chicago Now. The latest post celebrates Chicago designer Christopher Heitger and his warm and comfortable yet elegant home filled with mostly thrifted art and furniture.

Every corner of this cozy home is filled with properly displayed thrifted treasure, the eras are mixed and range from the 20s to the 70s.

I admire the diversity of well-displayed art on each wall. These beautiful retro city prints were once sold at Field's. They are stunning framed in masculine black frames.

Each collection is well edited and displayed with control and a great eye for symmetry. The classic pieces go well with modern technology, note how the flat screen computer doesn't seem anachronistic in this setting amid a vintage radio and classic fiestaware. The clock is from Christopher's home town.

Read the original article to see more pictures of this gorgeous home. I'm inspired by the modern, clean, colorful art. I really want to emulate some of his thrifted artwork.

Image Credits: All pictures are from this original article. You may have noticed I haven't been using my own pictures in posts all week. It's killing my soul but I'm too damn busy to do anything about it. Ow, back to work...

This post is linked to: Get Your Craft on Thursdays / Somewhat simple / Transformation Thursdays / Show off Your Stuff / Hooking Up with HOH / Just a Girl / It's Party Time

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Extreme Minimalist Living Inspiration

With the splash of color and organic shapes I could live here without going insane. I think. Image Credit: Internetpowerlunch.

Minimalism and thrifting don't go hand in hand. Most of us like the artistic eclectic feel that comes from flanking your home with vintage treasure. Some of us even thrive on what would seem like "clutter" to the Minimalist adherent.

While I'm working ample overtime my home life is chaos, and it puts my soul at peace to look at extreme minimalist living examples. These homes will inspire you to make your home more economical and accessible.

Student Lives in His Van to Afford to Unaffordable: An Education

 Image from The Spartan Student Ken Ilgunas's blog.

Keeping his unique living situation a secret until he published an essay about it on Salon (no longer online) Ken Ilgunas took minimalism to a new level when he chose to live out of his van not just to avoid crippling student debt, but as a social experiment:
Living on the cheap wasn’t merely a way to save money and stave off debt; I wanted to live adventurously. I wanted to test my limits. I wanted to find the line between my wants and my needs. I wanted, as Thoreau put it, “to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life … to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms.”
Ilgunas continues in his article to describe how he cooks meals over a propane stove, doesn’t clean his dishes, and has no friends at school so that his way of life won’t be discovered. This example is extreme yet inspiring, and hell, he might get a book deal from his van-living experiment.

The 175-Square-Foot "Microstudio"

 You're looking at the entire apartment. Image Credit: Angel Chevrestt New York Post

Once I get over the fact that the tiniest apartment in New York City cost $150,000 I can admire how a success New York couple happy lives in a 175-square-foot apartment with two cats. At 14.9 feet long and 10 feet wide, it's about as narrow as a subway car and as claustrophobic as a jail cell. But for the Prokops, it's a proverbial palace- even if their queen size bed takes up one third of the living space.

How do they make this tiny space work? They don't eat in so they don't need more than a hot plate, they keep their clothes folded up in the kitchen cabinets. The on-the-go working couple even keep clothes strategically stashed at dry cleaners that are on their jogging routes to work. Read more about their living arrangement here.

 There are so many inspiring minimalist living examples to share. Like the one about this man who lived without a refrigerator for 30 years (good read, he shares the shelf life for common items). Stories like this make you re-evaluate what you consider "needs" so you can pare down to water matters in life.

If you want more minimalist living inspiration check out Mnmlist where top blogger Leo Babauta writes about streamlining his life. He only owns 50 possessions which is both inspiring and hard to imagine.

This post is linked to: Welcome Wednesday / Works for Me Wednesdays / Creative Therapy Session / Show and Tell / Penny Pinching Party / We Did it Wednesdays / Make it Yours Day / Whatever Goes Wednesday / Room to Inspire/ Women Who do it All

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Little Book of Thrifty Fixes for the Home


While I wait for my new thrifty hero Amy Sedaris' books, I'm enjoying "The Little Book of Thrifty Fixes for the Home". It's the perfect book for no-spending truly thrifty ideas and inspiration.

"Thrift is not just about spending less; it's also about buying less and, when you do spend, spending wisely and using flair and imagination, rather than money, to get the look," writes the author, Bridget Bodoano

This book has sections with tips on:

Principles of thrift- It's not about spending less; it's about spending wisely. You'll live a better lifestyle, save money, and save resources.

Big style with a thrifty budget- We all know that a small budget forces creativity and better "Style" than ordering a ubiquitous furniture set from a furniture catalog.

Shopping thrifty- not just thrifty stores and flea markets but how to buy the best quality for your money and taking advantage of seasonal sales.

Thrifty Recycling- See old objects in a new light, there's also an Eco-Thrift section with tips on saving resources

Thrifty Home Improvements- great tips on where to invest your money and when to use a professional

Thrifty Projects- Detailed background information on necessary materials and simple thrifty projects for furniture and more.

There are simple, inspired storage solutions, like a bookshelf made from plywood stacked on bricks (what thrifter doesn't need more storage?) Simple steps for making your own furniture, cleaning, moving, making your house more energy efficient, and more. The simple, mid century modern inspired graphic designs keep the book interesting and fun to read. I'm still flipping through my library copy, I recommend you go to your own library and scoop up a copy to do the same!

 More Thrifty Book Reviews:
-Top 10 Thrifty Tips from Brini Maxwell
-Top 5 Books for Thrift Inspiration

This post linked at:  New Nostalgia / Today's Creative Blog / Review Retreat / Craft Edition / Tuesday Tagalong

Monday, July 19, 2010

Vintage Chairs- Guess The Eras

This weekend I made a mental vow not to buy anything until I noticed a "Thrift Store" sign on the side of the road. Of course I turned in abruptly- who wouldn't?

This small church Thrift Store was neat and organized. I left with two vintage books (one a "Learn to do everything" handyman guide and the other a cook book) two poster-sized frames for $2 each ($26+ retail) and two amazing vintage chairs.

The chair on the left looks like a vintage diner-style chair. It could be from the early 50s or late 40s but I can't be sure. The chair on the right looks like it's a mid century modern chair from the 50s. The chair on the right was $3 and the chair on the left was $5.

The elderly man who sold the chairs couldn't understand my interest in these old dusty chairs. But I know you understand. What era do you think these chairs are from?

Blog post featured at: I Just Whipped Something Up Monday / Metamorphosis Monday / Making The World Cuter / Motivate Me Monday / Southern Hospitality Blog / Thrift Share Monday / Debbiedoo's Thrift Share / Twice Owned Party

Friday, July 16, 2010

My First Scandinavian Mid Century Modern Couch

Two friends helped tote this vintage mid century modern couch down three narrow flights of stairs and across town to my apartment.It's the first piece of furniture I've found from the era, and I'm working on making the rest of the living room attractive enough for its presence. I love it, but it has some damage. Thrift Experts, I need your help!

It looks brown in picture but in real life it has a criss-crossing fabric of shiny gold, black, white, and tan. The cushions and most of the fabric is in perfect condition.

 The biggest flaw is the significant cat claw damage. It's on the front posts and it's far more extensive of the back where the feline sliced and diced its way through sacred vintage fabric (blasphemy!) Even with the damage, the couch is so comfortable and so attractive I couldn't walk away from it and paid the full $200 for it.

Luckily, the damage is not too noticeable, especially since its back (where the significant damage is) is to the wall- but thifting experts- do you have any advice on how to fix the cat scratch damage? Without taking hours with a needle and thread that I simply don't have I don't have a clue. I might call some upholstery repair professionals around town for some answers.

On Throws: I know throws hides damage, but I've never had a nice couch without irreparable stains or rips that made throws a necessity. I want liberation from them!  That's why I'm going to fix this damage and not conceal it.

This Post is Linked to: Frugal Friday / Feature Yourself Friday / Furniture Feature Friday / Finding Fabulous / Tidy Mom / Favorite Things Fridays / Flaunt it Friday / Fun to Craft

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thrift Haul: Fun Retro Patterns


I wrote about these cups in my Epic Thrift Trip blog post. I resisted the cups then because I didn't need more coffee cups than mouths in my home (one set typically, occasionally two) but when I returned to the same thrift store and saw they were still there I couldn't resist. They will be sold on Etsy once I get all my stock organized.

I won't mind having them around until they go, though. I'm currently using the green for my sencha green tea. The design is Japanese and they look like they were made in the 60s or 70s.

My friend was admiring this wooden wall hanging (A Swiss Souvenir from 1974 according to the back), it was priced at $20 but the thrift store owner generously offered to knocked it down to $5. It's not what I usually go for but it looks like it was made to hang in the space between my kitchen door and dining room window.

I have another happy discovery from the weekend to share but I want to wait until it's properly displayed to write a post for it. If you follow my Thriftcore Twitter you might already know what it is. Can't wait to share it!

 [Sneak Peek]

I will reveal three new super easy tutorials soon. I don't have the time for complex stuff, and I know you don't either! Planned posts have been canceled as my purging and organizing kicks have extended into the wee hours of the morning. I tried to resist any kind of living room reveal until its completion, but couldn't resist sharing a sneak peek:

More improvements will be made every day. Can't wait to reveal the whole thing (and maybe even the whole damn organized house!) next week. And I can't wait to sleep a full night when this is all over!

[Not Buying It] Yesterday I wrote about Going 1 Year Without Shopping, could you do it? With How Busy I am I can't squeeze this project in for long, but I'm confident I can last one month. I'll write about it so all can laugh at my pathetic shopping withdrawal symptoms.

This post is linked to: Get Your Craft on Thursdays / Somewhat simple / Transformation Thursdays / Show off Your Stuff / Hooking Up with HOH / Just a Girl / It's Party Time

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Not Buying it- Could You Go 1 Year Without Shopping?


This morning I got a reminder e-mail about a pledge I signed to Go One Year Without Shopping. It means just that, go one [long painful year] year without buying something unless you absolutely need it. Could you do it? Can I do it?

This challenge was inspired by Judith Levine's Book "Not Buying It". As a social experiment she goes one year without buying anything but necessities. No new clothes, treats, or even entertainment.  Released following former president Bush's plea for Americans to perform their patriotic duty and shopshopshop (to show the terrorists we've won, naturally!) this book tackles the tough questions.

Can the economy survive without shopping? Are Q-Tips a necessity? I can't wait to read the whole book.

 With an enormous amount of will power I resisted these thrift store toys. But I want them all, Want Want! Can you argue that Dinosaur Finger Puppets and kitty bobble heads are a necessity?

Judith Levine doesn't lecture or take her one-year vow of shopping abstinence too seriously. Instead she says,

"Starting January 1, 2004, Paul and I will purchase only necessities for sustenance, health, and business. ... I won't preach the gospel of the Simple Life or dispense advice on how to live it. I have no illusion that forgoing this CD or that skirt is going to bring down consumer culture." 

Although there was an understandable slip or two Judith miraculously sticks to her guns for a year.

With my thrifting addiction, a year without buying will burn my soul. If I honor my pledge (like I should) this may become more of a "junking" blog than a thrifting blog, where I eye the Craigslist's "Free" section vigilantly, watch for curbside treasures, and swoop in on the discarded furniture of friends and family like a bird of prey.

I'm sure that if I commit to this experiment cold turkey it'll beat me. I don't spend much, I don't go out to movies or concerts. But I do love to support local business and haunt a couple of my favorite cafes, restaurants and bars. I might have to pathetically make my goals as follows:

1. No retail purchases other than food and hygiene products (easy enough)
2. No concerts or movies (cheating, I'm not sacrificing anything here)
3. No buying "unnecessary" art prints & pieces (ouch, my soul)
4. No beer from bars (not sure if I can do this...)
5. No Thrift Store Purchases (NO! Can we just set a tiny budget?! Torture!)

As for not eating out, I don't know if this is possible for me. I work so much that it's incredibly hard to make time for cooking without sacrificing sleep or sanity. I don't do it often but I'm so busy that picking up food keeps me from staying up 'til 3AM cooking or becoming malnourished on cereal-dinner (So sick of cereal-dinner!). 

You know what, I'm failing at this experiment already. But I want you to think about this too. How much could you live without? What can you cut, even for a month instead of one year?

This kind of thinking encourages more thoughtful purchases. You buy only what you need and love. And this is for the best, there's no room in your life for anything else.

Here's the challenge blog: A Year Without Shopping. It starts September 1, 2010. If I commit this gives me time to upgrade some broken furniture and purchase other "non-necessities".

* * *

[Couch Update] The couch I blabbed about in yesterday's post is now mine! The owners kindly offered to deliver it to me tomorrow. It looks much better in person but has a fatal flaw, cat claw damage to its beautiful vintage upholstery. I'll ask for advice on how to repair it and post pictures in a future post. I appreciated all the feedback on it!

This post is linked to: Welcome Wednesday / Works for Me Wednesdays / Creative Therapy Session / Show and Tell / Penny Pinching Party / We Did it Wednesdays / Make it Yours Day / Whatever Goes Wednesday / Room to Inspire/ Women Who do it All / Hoo's Got Talent / We Can Do it Cheaper / Transformation Thursdays

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Top 5 Reasons to Buy Used Furniture

I want a couch. Last week I wrote that I can never get my living room "just right". One problem is my ripped couch, always wearing a sheet to hide its shame.This weekend I broke down and salivated over a modern furniture catalog (from nearby Nest Living) but I didn't give in. I know thrifting patience pays off. Here are three reasons why it's better to buy used furniture.

1. Joy of Acquisition Fades: You're literally high when you have a fresh new furniture. But as time passes it's no longer fresh and pristine. You're paying thousands more for a short-lived fresh veneer.

 $1758.90 Paramount Studio Sofa by BluDot from local modern design furniture store Nest Living. Visiting this lovely store tortures my soul.

2. No Comfort: I couldn't relax on a couch that cost more than $1,000. I bought my dining room table new (on sale, of course) but wish I would have thrifted for one I could craft on and spill drinks, glue, and more on without worry.

3. Monumental Savings: If I hold out long enough I can find the perfect couch for free, people throw out couches all the time. Go to in the "free" section and you'll find people desperate to toss their furniture.

4. A Second Chance: When you buy used you're saving an item from the landfill or thrift store purgatory. You're giving it a second chance.(Like adopting strays- without the mess!)

5. Unique Furniture: Furniture stores tend to have the same cookie cutter pieces. They may be sleek, sexy, and tempting, but the fact that they are mass produced makes them ubiquitous and boring. When you thrift for furniture you find nice old pieces with character, unique works of art.

 The couch in question. Should I get it?

Tonight I'm taking a look at a Mid Century Modern Scandinavian couch. It looks like it's in perfect shape in the picture and it's being sold for $200. The hunt for the perfect piece of furniture can be long and painful but assembling a home full of unique thrifted pieces frugally is much more rewarding.

This post linked at:  New Nostalgia / Today's Creative Blog / Review Retreat / Craft Edition / Tuesday Tagalong

Monday, July 12, 2010

My New Domestic Hero- Amy Sedaris

 I love every inch of this space. Especially the bats, shrooms, and bunnies!

I've been casually relishing in my enormous yard sale haul of design books and magazines. I made a happy discovery in the final December 2007 issue of House & Garden Magazine (owned by Architectural Digest).

In the first few pages I glimsed a home completely in-line with my style, a colorful kitch paradise filled with fun props and character. The headline reads "At Home With...Amy Sedaris". Even better!

A prized collection of faux cakes and sham hams, bats and animal portraits, taxdermy with mid century modern and kitch factor abound, all with perfect balance and an expert eye for design. There's even a custom portrait of Amy Sedaris' rabbit, Dusty, a Miniature Rex ("The ultimate rabbit" says Sedaris. Having owned one I have to agree!)

Dusty has run of the 700-square-foot Manhattan apartment. (Even though he nibbles on the furniture and walls, in true Mini Rex fashion).

What's not to love in this picture?

Amy Sedaris is best-known as the comedienne behind the reprehensible and entertaining comedy Strangers with Candy. She plays Jerri Bank, a A 46-year-old ex-con, ex-junkie, ex-prostitute, and high-school freshman at Flatpoint High.
I have to love anyone with the humility to play a character like Jerri Blank, a woman with no redeemable qualities and a face that makes the angels weep because of its sheer unadulterated beauty.

 Beautiful storage, very necessary in a small Manhattan apartment.

Domestic Diva isn't what would come to mind when you think of the actress who characterized inept and immoral Jerry Blank, but it's obvious from every corner of her home that Amy Sedaris fits the title.

Writing books like "I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence" and the upcoming  "Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People" I know Amy is my kind of domestic role model.

Move aside, Martha. I don't want your brand of manufactured perfectionism. I've never searched for one but last night when I opened this magazine I found a Design hero in Amy Sedaris. Our identical taste in humor & laid-back design is fun and refreshing.

I haven't read it yet but I'll soon read and review "I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence". I can't wait for "Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People".

Image Credits: Magazine scans are from Design Sponge. Book cover scans are from Amy Sedaris Rocks.

[Notes] I'm breaking my Monday Thrift Brag Fest tradition, but pictures of this week's haul of thrifted goodies will be up soon. As well as pictures of my sexified new painted living room.

Blog post featured at: I Just Whipped Something Up Monday / Metamorphosis Monday / Making The World Cuter / Motivate Me Monday / Southern Hospitality Blog / Thrift Share Monday / Debbiedoo's Thrift Share / Twice Owned Party

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