Monday, July 26, 2010

Fun Vintage Finds: Toys, Teacups, & More

A favorite thrift haunt Southern Crossing Antique Mall had a price reduction on treasures I'd been eyeing for months. Of course, I swooped in for the kill.

I wrote about these tea cups in this blog post. Reduced to $2 each I couldn't resist them. The bottom says "Made in Poland." The whimsical mermaid cups are hand painted, I can't tell what era they're from.

This Top Cat Frame Tray Puzzle is Copyright 1961. I love the colorful artwork and the night sky backdrop. Hopefully an enthusiastic collector will take it off my hands (although I'll enjoy seeing it at home in the meantime).I paid $5.00 for this puzzle.

For a mere $2.00 I got this beautiful box of Insect Information flash cards (copyright 1977). I bought these to sell but I'll be sad to let them go. The box art alone is gorgeous, but the flash cards are rife with information to help you identify and even keep your own bugs for observation. This brings back memories of languid summer evenings spent catching critters for amateur scientific study.

The top of the box has a beautiful lavendar moth illustration.

The final find was Founders Guide to Modern Decorating which is equal parts kitsch humor and torture. It's filled with photos of furniture that's hard to find these days.

Very interesting lumpy couches to the right! They look equal parts comfortable and bizarre!

I didn't do too bad for one thrift stop and paid $18.00 total for a few fun vintage treasures.


  1. It's kind of sad but the best place to find bargains on vintage these days is the antique mall, not the thrift store. The thrift store ladies have discovered the internet and their prices go through the roof! At the antique mall, the vendors price things accordingly but business is slow these days (I know, I have a booth) so to move stuff we put it on sale. And luckily for you (and me since I'm a buyer as well as a seller) we get things we love at prices we can afford.

  2. Great finds! I like the insect cards - I would have trouble parting with them too. And those cups, so cute. I love all the quirky things you bought.

  3. You made some good finds. I'm with you on that lumpy couch. Not sure it is meant to be sat on.

  4. I like your finds, especially the Top Cat puzzle. That was one of my favorite cartoons to watch.

  5. Fun finds! I love the Decor book! I know it's fun looking through that! :)

  6. Wonderful finds and so colorful! Love the cups that best! Made in Poland - someone lovingly collected those, don't you think! Wonderful!

  7. so many fun and strange finds. those cups! and i would love to look through that insect set with the kids. how cool... way to go in for the kill! ;)

    ~ ana

  8. Neat items!

    P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment :)

  9. Ohhhh! The Top Cat puzzle is awesome! I used to watch that cartoon in black and white. :) Pam @ Sallygoodin

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