I didn't find much from my
Thrift Wish List but I'm happy with my finds. Are you getting your
Christmas-Thrift on? Now's the time, don't let Christmas sneak up and
bite you on the ass!
[The Weekend'sHaul $12.54 total]
Going Clockwise: Stevie Wonder's "Talking Points" Record, (
50 cents) Bird Salt Shaker (
50 cents), Tropical Fish Paint by Number (
$1.00), Small Metal Tin (
50 cents) , Modern Mushrooms (
50 cents), Kokeshi Doll (
$2.50), Sweaters (
$1 each, for Christmas Crafting).
[Mod Wooden Kokeshi Doll $2.50]
My favorite find of the weekend is this beautiful wooden Japanese Kokeshi doll. She's my second thrifted wooden Kokeshi doll (I have 2 more my dad bought me as
souvenirs from Japan years ago) I sense a dangerous collection brewing...

[Stevie Wonder "Talking Book" Recod $0.50]
Hell Yes- Stevie Wonder! "Talking Book" is a gem from Stevie's
classic period. (It includes his signature tune "Superstition") I recommend listening to "
Maybe Your Baby"-
oh baby, it's the funkiest thing Stevie has
ever composed. (Don't miss
Big Brother either, it's

[Paint By Numbers $1.00]
I've always wanted a Paint by Numbers, this set with kaleidoscopic tropical fish was irresistible for this fish fan.
Just look at it. Brimming with potential, waiting for its paint strokes. I can't wait to get started on this baby, it's going to be so relaxing.

[Mod Mushroom Salt & Pepper Shakers $0.50]
One of these shakers is missing its bottom, but it shouldn't be too tricky to find a replacement. I might clean them and sell them as is, or transform them into psychedelic toadstools with red and white paint and keep them. What do you think I should do with 'em?

[Cooking Pot $0.00]
Not a thrifted find, but a miracle find. Sensing
I needed a pot, the Thrift Gods or some other deity deposited this pot in the parking lot, where it was found by my roommate. Strange, but I'll take it! It's pretty good quality and came right in time for
Soup Season.

[Hen and Chick Ceramic Planter $1.50]
This is a birthday present for my mom (Nov. 24). She collects both chickens and plants and this planter is exactly her style. It's small and lacks drainage holes so I'm going to fill it with a cactus and present it to her on Wednesday.
A Few New Things...
I was tired of the old layout so I quickly created the new design this weekend. I'd love feedback on it!
Any suggestions? Expect a few things moving around here and there as I work to perfect it.
I've also created a Facebook Page for Thriftcore.com. I would love for all of you to join. I want us to engage in amazing money-saving, thrifty-fun conversations on the group. I'll also update frequently with news on
All Things Thrift. (I'm still trying to figure out this Facebook junk, any pointers would be helpful.)
What did YOU find at the Thrift Store this weekend?
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Daily thrift updates, information, and inspiration. Follow Thriftcore on