Do you ever feel like you'll never find your calling in life? Like you'll never find the work that sets your heart aflame with passion? You're trying to be a successful writer, antique reseller, blogger, it feels like it will never happen.... Well, I just received some career inspiration from "the me of the past". I'm sure it will help
you, too.

Seven years ago when I first started college my professor had us write letters to our
future selves. I naturally forgot all about it until the letter came in the mail this week. When I wrote this letter I'd just turned 18, and I had no idea what I was going to
do with my life.
Here's what 18-year-old me had to say to 24-year-old me:
Dear whomever it may concern (which would be you which is also me),
This letter is addressed to the me of the future from the me of the past, if that is at all logical. I am your past self which still has within herself hope and ambition. Perhaps by the time you read this all of that will have been sucked straight out of your with a vacuum cleaner of despair. But instead I wish you happiness. I wish you complete euphoria with all your decisions and career choices.
The purpose of this letter, me, is to measure up- see what you've done with your sloth-like bulbous self the years while this state of myself have been eradicated from your consciousness as you've grown and matured.
As of November 2, 2004 (election day, I might add) I am still uncertain about my choice of careers. My passion remains in writing, my ultimate talent. Journalism is a consideration. Another choice would be graphic design- too easy, too much competition, and not enough money. Advertising manager/designer would be fun! Anything that involves design with some writing or writing with some design is perfect. Perhaps a magazine editor, a magazine designer, or a writer for a magazine, hell- I could publish a magazine all my own. So am I conflicted? Oh yes sir, I am, I am!!!
So what have you decided? Did you do what you had to do and are you successful and happy!? If not, well, I hate you. Go and get happy. Because if you aren't happy, nor am I.
After reading the memories of that first year of college rushed back. I didn't know what I'd major in, so I took the recommended "Career Planning" elective. I was 17 when the class started, the youngest kid in there. Did I become what I wanted to? Did I fulfill those teenage dreams?
I'm shocked that the answer is
yes- overwhelmingly so! I am an advertising manager and designer. My job incorporates both writing and design (
like the letter said!), the perfect mix to keep me satisfied. I even get my "magazine editing" kicks by updating this blog, which incorporates a little of everything I love and keeps me creatively fulfilled.
Here's a confession about my success as a writer/designer/marketer...
I dropped out of college. Most people assume I majored in advertising, graphic design, and even lofty aspirations like computer science, but after 2 years bumbling along in community college I quit cold turkey and went
right to work.
I didn't stop applying for writing jobs until I found one, and when they saw how quickly and efficiently I write and make websites I was hired right away. I was 21 years old. (And it's funny, every recruiter who looked at my resume while I was job hunting said, "
This looks like a marketing resume. You should work in advertising...")
Sometimes I want to go back to college, but I feel grateful that things ended up like this. I feel like I paid my dues and learned my skills from experience, by coding and writing websites since I was 11-years-old. I didn't need school to get where I am today. Now I'm free of student loans, and to be honest, I'm in a better position than a few of the friends I shared graphic design classes with.
The lesson here is the same as my
Risk post. If you want creative work, take risks, put yourself out there, work hard for it. Take Risks and keep striving for success, and you'll get it!
Or in other words, if you wanna write:
WRITE. If you want to draw:
DRAW. I know a lot of you want to be antique resellers:
SELL IT. Live your passion and don't look back.
Now, who wants to fulfill my 18-year-old prophesy and
hire me to work on your magazine? :)
Are you living your childhood dreams now?
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