Friday, December 30, 2011

Dream Big for the New Year: A Story of Success. Never Give Up!

2011 has been the most eventful year of my life. I traveled to exotic destinations, tested my limits, experienced crippling heartbreaks and soaring triumphs. This year...

Photographs from my favorite flea market taken the week I left my day job.

My boyfriend of four years cheated on me with my best friend... I was crushed, but emerged stronger and inspired to be a more generous person. (Alluded to in my Risk post.)

While living alone again and adjusting... I accomplished many difficult tasks flying solo. Each heavy box or piece of furniture lifted, a diminutive victory. My home is truly my own.

I visited Philadelphia, Las Vegas, Key West, and Okinawa, Japan for the first time... and returned home each time revitalized and ready to create-up a storm.

I took a risk and left a full time job as a marketer... and haven't looked back! The freedom of making my own schedule was necessary to grow as an individual and a professional.  (Announced + How to Tell You're Ready to Quit Your Day Job)

I Bought Nothing New For One Year... I learned a lot, and enjoyed the challenge!

I announced I was going to start my own vintage boutique here in Jacksonville, Florida... and a longtime follower of my work boldly offered a large cash donation to help me start the shop! 

Heartbreaks, financial troubles, personal failures, they collaborate to drag us down. My heart was shattered this year, but I never stopped working, growing, and creating. It's paying off. Every time I check my inbox I have a new opportunity, I'm building a trailblazing brick and mortar shop with artists I've admired for years, and I've made a soul-to-soul connection with you, my reader!

The sleepless nights you put into your dreams will pay off. It doesn't happen overnight, but success always comes to those who never stop putting every ounce of their energy into reaching their goals. Things get better when you never give up. I promise.
Daily thrifting updates, information, & Inspiration: Follow Thrift Core on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. It's going to be even better for you in 2012, I just know it! :)


  2. Thank you for the encouragement, Katie! :)

  3. Wow...very motivating! Thank you for sharing....

  4. I hope 2012 is the year you visit Ohio for the first time! (Like maybe for my birthday? *hint*)

  5. Rachel: Glad it was motivating :)

    Fenn: After the Japan trip I really do need to settle down and get back to work ;) But I will visit (and you!) Ohio one day!

  6. Wow... thank you for the very transparent post. My heart goes out to you and your troubles this year. You've grown. I think that 2012 will be your BEST year ever!

    Thanks for being a friend!!!

  7. I'm so glad I found your blog! Continuing to look forward and not back- has become a favorite mantra. Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year! If you ever want to visit Maine and hit the thrift shops let me know!

  8. Very inspiring, Van. Thanks for sharing this. It's so nice to read of new business ventures, personal growth, travel and fun thrifted finds...these probably make the top three list of things to accomplish in the very near future. I'm currently looking into opportunities that somehow combine my many passions...writing, photography, oddities, vintage, caffeine...I would just love to open a coffee house/gallery of sorts...a place to hang that could also act as a performance venue for other weirdos like me, lol.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  9. Marcia: Thank YOU, too. I'll keep learning and growing as much as possible in 2012, too!

    Vland: Thank you for the kind words and the Maine thrifting invite! I completely agree with your favorite mantra. I've fallen pray to dwelling on the past and feeling hurt, but nothing stops me from working hard and moving forward.

  10. Jackie: I used to think I'd never be able to combine my passions into a career, but I'm making it happen all the time. You'll make your dreams come true, just never stop working at it.

    I'm glad to have this space to unite with my fellow robot/horror movie/vintage loving and thrifing weirdos :)

  11. Van, I only found your blog this past fall and have so enjoyed your posts. You sure have had one heck of a year. Love your attitude and your sense of humor as well as nostalgia. I look forward to following your blog in 2012. (I was going to say following you, but that sounded so stalkerish). Cheers.

  12. Karen: Thanks so much for reading along! Next year I'll continue being ridiculous and writing about :)

  13. It is nice to see how much stronger you come out of 2011. I hope 2012 is smoother and more exciting :)
    Happy New Year!

  14. Yes, these things only make you stronger...and think about how much you have learned and matured. (but not TOO much maturity!!) But please, don't do what I have done and bury yourself in work so much that you don't find a new love...(and wake up in your late 40's, overweight and hopeless!!) When you are ready, get back out there and find a partner you can trust and be besties with! We're all here to support you!! vicariously through you...:)

  15. Good for you! To quote Hemingway:
    “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.”

    I share your love of kitschy vintage and I look forward to your awesome posts. I hope everything you do this year will be rewarding and move you one step closer to your goals!

  16. Eva: Thanks Eva, I hope so too :) !

    Lori: I am a bit jaded, but if the right person comes along I'll be receptive. Thanks for the kind words- I'll never grow up TOO much. I'll have toys and watch cartoons forEVER!

  17. Thank you so much for your post. I have not had a sale in my store since mid December and it hurts so much. Sales were fine until just before Christmas. Then crickets.Very frustrated. I will read your words repeatedly.

  18. Anonymous: There's an ebb and flow to sales no matter how hard you work. Don't worry though, as long as you keep working hard at it and trying new things, sales will get better. Keep reading, I'll keep researching and offering tips on the subject :) Thank you for the kind words.

  19. I guess sometimes we have to thank the bad moments for taking us to better places after the lesson was learned ;)
    Loved reading this post; very inspiring! I loved 2011 thriftcore and can't wait to see what goes on starting tomorrow!

  20. You are truly an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your story, it really makes me want to make the best of the new year and better myself. Thank you!

  21. To Van: Got a sale today at last! Will look out for your tips. Thank you for encouraging thoughts.

  22. @Van...Cartoons are the BEST!! I wish I could afford the cartoon channel! But then, I would probably never leave the TV....:)

  23. Brett: Thank you!

    Miss Lou: It's true, whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm looking forward to your 2012 posts, too!

  24. Rachelle: Let's get it in 2012, and craft like crazy!

    Anonymous: I knew you would, keep at it!

    Lori: Same here, it's a good thing I don't have cable... ;)

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