Thursday, January 26, 2012

Freelancer Life Update + What to do When You Hate Your Job

Does your day job fill you with deep loathing? Is every moment you spend at the office sheer torture? If you hate your job, you need to quit!

Don't subject yourself to conditions you hate every day. I haven't looked back at the time I spent working in a cubicle as a writer. I love my flexible schedule and using my creative energy on my own projects- instead of my boss's.

Of course, there are challenges that come with being a Freelancer as well. You have to stay inspired and motivated to survive, and you can never stop innovating. Being accountable for yourself isn't easy and it's not for everyone, but if you're up for the challenge it's also very liberating. (See: How to know if you're ready to quit your day job.)

My new coworker is really funny and cute, too. I like working with her every day, she's silly...

I didn't just up and quit my job. I plotted for years: I saved, paid rent in full for a year, researched, practiced and established a revenue stream. If you long to leave your current job, start your own plans.

Life's too short to work at a job you hate. Let's spend every day doing what we love.
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  1. Happy to hear things are going well! It sounds like you did an amazing job planning. Paying your rent for a year? Awesome!

  2. One other suggestion I have is do not wait to quit before you begin doing the work you love. Start small or part time, but begin doing what you love before you totally jump ship from your previous income stream.

  3. Yep, I'm writing an article about that right now. I worked full time while doing part-time art and reselling for years to learn the ropes. This is a good way to figure out if what you thought was your "dream" is really right for you. Sometimes the reality is very different!

  4. Ah the inspiration in this post. I'm doing both the freelance thing and the retail-job-I-hate thing, and I'm not making enough money in one area, and not enough medical benefits in the other. And the only thing that gets me through the day is looking forward to coming home to work on my next project. It's so nice to read of freelance success!

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

    1. At first you usually break even or don't make enough. Keep pushing through, you'll make it one day if you keep trying!

  5. I'm right behind you! I've been plotting and planning for the past year :-)

  6. congrats! this happened to me too. although, i was kinda forced to quit my day job so i didn't have too much planning in place. i'm a squirrel so i was lucky to have a large savings. it all worked out in the end.

    1. Same here, being thrifty and saving like crazy always helps in the end. I love living way below my means; it gives a person more options and a safety net.

    2. Same here. I had to quit just after I got on the frugal bandwagon and it helped a lot. At least I had my own place already, paid in full.
      Now I'm not making a loooot of money but it's totally worth it.


  7. I seem to be caught in the "never enough money" cycle. I make enough but really just what can pay to live, if that makes sense. I could save a little but not enough to ever have a hope of going freelance. Any tips there??

    msred5 at gmail dot com

    1. So you're working full or part time but still living paycheck to paycheck? If you have trouble saving, perhaps try the envelope savings method:

      It really helps you stay on-track. If it's not trouble saving but not enough income, perhaps reselling on the side like many of us do?

      Good luck making ends meet!

  8. OH my lawd it would be amazing to work for myself! I don't know how I'd do it thought. I am going to read through your other post & get inspired!

    Your new coworker looks like she'll be a great addition to the team lol

  9. Thanks for the inspiration and love to read you've made it. I'm counting down the days till I can peace out too and make my part-time passion my full time fun :)

  10. It is so awesome to have control of your own income! I wish I could do it right now, but I'm terrible at saving and I'm just not the greatest saleswoman because I'm too lackadaisical! With my degree in language arts (beyond teaching elementary education) I've been promising myself that I will 1) publish my first book and 2) make some actual money freelance writing. I know I could have been doing this oh-so-long ago, but I refer back to the lackadaisicality! LOL. I have no practical threads, Van. I don't know how you do it, with your envelopes. :D I start thinking about budgeting and then I get distracted and pick up my guitar for an hour or! Bad girl.

    1. I'd always been an oddly disciplined person, for some people it takes more practice and "creative tricks" (rewards systems) than others!

      Set some time aside and do it, lady! I want to write some books, too...

    2. I need to! Thank God that teaching has been such a rewarding joy for me. I would hate to have a job I was miserable at. Yet...I know there is more out there for me...

      Thanks for the inspiration! :)

  11. Nice to be your own boss. Thankfully I have a job where it's ALMOST like I am my own and I do things I love (social media/marketing/speaking engagements).
    Love the cat in the box pic. Ours do the SAME thing with any box that shows up in the house.

    1. That's always nice, too. When you can have a 9-5 job AND love it. I laughed when Yuko flew into that tiny box, cats are fun!


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