Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Goals Week 11: Make it Happen. Do it Big!

Last Week's Goals: 1. Apartment Hunt! Aaaah! 2. Holy Shit, taxes! 3. Entire house mess in one out-of-the-way space. 4. Sort some of the house mess every day bit by bit. 5. Finish packing all jewelry.

I didn't do to badly last week! I sold jewelry Art Walk downtown, redid my Treasure House Booth, and worked through a bit of my house disaster. Next week I want to finally wrap up some big behind-the-scenes projects and instigate a major home-purge. Especially for the books and DVDs I rarely use.

Goals March 11 to March 18:

1. Apartment Hunt! Aaaah!
2. Everything I want to sell into boxes/out of the way to photograph for Craigslist.
3. Continue to organize bit by bit daily when I can fit it in.
4. Refine daily work schedule for maximum efficiency.
5. Photograph everything I've put aside for online sales.

ebook planning, brick & mortar business plan, grant search, DIYs, children's book line, jewelery making, blog refining, listing items for sale online!

Tell me your goals, join the party!

What have you got planned for the week? Let's share and keep each other on-track! I'm off to finish taking pictures of this week's thrift finds. Tune in tomorrow to see the plethora of quality vintage goodies!
Daily thrifting updates, information, & Inspiration: Follow Thrift Core on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. Love the photos, you look happy. :)
    It sounds like you're progressing well with your goals! (Which is exactly the kind of stuff I need to see to keep me motivated).

    1. Thanks! I'm working hard at hitting the goals every day!

  2. I agree with Wendy - you look happy! Good luck this week :)

  3. Way to go! Hope the coming week is just as successful! Your energy is addicting, and you make me what to push myself! :)

    1. Thanks! Today has already been a big step in the right direction toward hitting the goals.

  4. Great job Van! My week was not so great, but I'm not letting it get me down. I'll just pick my goal list back up when I can. Hopefully next week!

    1. I don't consider my week to be the best ever. Even though I did technically clean, my place still feels trashed...

      Let's hit it harder this week!

  5. My god, I just walked up 9 flights of stairs & I can't breathe! I'll be linking up this week, just give me time to catch my breath.

    Good luck this week Van.

  6. If you figure out number 4 please SHARE!

    I am not making headway on getting the house organized but I took advantage of wonderful weather and got some much needed sunshine and outdoor walking exercise. I also did some brief posts (can adapt or add to) for the rest of March and most of April for one blog. Now I can try to fill in with fun posts and sharing experiences on another blog to feel more connected to people.
    Now, if only I could do something about money goals...

    1. Same here, I spent more time enjoying the weather and friend's company than cleaning. Not exactly a bad thing, but I need to utilize time better so I can do BOTH.

      Just stayed up too late plotting a detailed schedule for tomorrow. I'll let all know what eventually works!

  7. Yo back to Mister green dinosaur! You have a busy week planned... home purging is awesome and Spring is perfect timing. March Break over here so will be crafting/board gaming/baking/outdoor adventuring with the kids. The weather here is beautiful... feel alive and full of energy. Hope you are too!

    1. That sounds like fuuun! :) I need to do some of the same, but, work, work!


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