Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Creative Business Tip: Your First Instinct is Right. Follow Your Heart.

If you're like me, you might tend to second guess yourself. You get obsessed running your business the "best" way to succeed and you start researching and taking advice from others for all of the details of  your business.

I'm learning that your first instinct is almost always right when it comes to small decision making for your business.

For months my sales were slumping at Southern Crossing Antique mall. I took a step back and analyzed, sales had to increase! I was doing better my fist months at the store, when I wasn't trying too hard. When I was doing it all my way and not the way I'm "supposed" to. I stopped following advise and rearranged merchandise  the way I knew would work and sales increased immediately.

It's too exhausting to run your business the way everyone else expects you to. Follow your first instinct and your heart, do things your way! Your enthusiasm for work and your success will be boundless!
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  1. Great philosphy to have!!! I say trust your instincts with everything....not just your business! (But I hope this doesn't include any advice I may have given you....oops!) Your booth looks fab!

    1. It seems like easy advice but you get away from it quickly. It's less exhausting when you follow your instincts with everything. I feel much better getting back to that.

    2. I hope you did well this month with all of the rain....I got an updated "baggie" yesterday and my figures were well over what I anticipated. Yay!

    3. I've been staying on top of it to increase sales this month, they may be higher this month then they've been all year. I'm excited to keep making improvements all-around. :D

  2. Instincts are there for a reason... however, I'm just as guilty as the next one for not always following them, lol... Great read :)

    1. It's harder than it seems, especially when we have the web and so many other professionals/websites/etc. to compare ourselves to....

  3. A message for life not just business I think.

  4. That's the thing, to be successful you can never stop trying new things and innovating.

  5. Bravo! You are so right in following your instincts. Although, input from another is always welcomed, at least for me, I can then analyze why that input will not work for me, or maybe it will, or maybe the suggestion will lead to someting entirely different. My grandaughter informed me that two heads are not better than one because what if you wanted to go in different directions.

    1. I'm always open to input from others, but like you said, we have to analyze it and determine what will work for us. If there's a nagging voice saying you shouldn't do it, don't. That's what I've learned and wanted to share in this post.

  6. There are few things more satisfying then listening to your intuition and having it pay off!

  7. I agree about do what your gut says. I talked to the lady at southerns crossing and she was trying to tell me what sells at the store for a space. I had my gut that maybe I can do a space of my crochet items and maybe some vintage craft books and cooking books. Then mix it with the Disney stuff I tend to find when out and about.What do you think?

    1. That sounds good to me. It's very hard to predict what will sell at any antique mall space. The vendors are always talking about how the thing they thought would fly off the shelf immediately may not and the thing they didn't expect to sell would. I'd definitely try what you gut says first, though. Let me know how it turns out!

      My first month was one of my best ones, and I definitely just went with my gut on that.

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