Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Real Look Behind The Scenes: I Don't Do It All. Hell No.

Now the living room is "clean" again. Give it time. The mess may return.

I'm often asked how I do it all. Between antique store booths in three stores, working on this blog, selling online, and more, it's not easy. I always reply, "I don't." Whenever business is going really well, my house is trashed. Whenever my house is spotless, business may not be thriving. The picture above is from Monday, my house was trashed. Now it's nearly clean again, it's a cycle of clean and messy apartment dwelling resellers with little space have to deal with.

This is reality for this lifestyle. I strive to be as transparent as I can with this blog, so that's the real deal. I'm getting better at closing the gap and having a smooth home and work life. I'll report on what works for me when that happens! I'm working toward two huge new developments that will surely improve the work/life balance.

How do you organize your reselling hoard? It ain't easy.
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  1. This is SO true! We have such a hard time keeping it all organized, especially when we're buying new things all the time and just don't always have convenient places to put it all. The problem is that when it's messy I have a hard time focusing, so it ends up being a downward spiral until I get in a good cleaning mode.

    1. We have to KEEP ON TOP of it to prevent the shameful mess spiral! It's tricky.

  2. I go back and forth. Every once in a while, I think, "maybe I could get rid of my couch and make better storage space in the garage, but then I don't do it, and I stack new merch on my couch. It's never-ending, but whatever. I'm having a good time :)

    1. Haha, nice to know I'm not the only one minimizing the accommodate more space for business. I've been selling lots of furniture and favorite pieces. Does double duty since I like switch things out at the house when I get "tired" of them anyway, save for the very special items and the art collection.

  3. Thanks for being so humble and sharing. I am struggling with two storage units and an Antique booth, plus storage in the house, eBay and Craig's List. It's some of the hardest work I've ever done, but I wouldn't trade it for a 9-5 job!

    1. Agreed, Abe, it's very hard work but I wouldn't trade it for any 9-5 job. I may be lucky enough to have some free storage space to move into soon. Can't wait!

  4. How do I do it all? I don't update my shop NEARLY as much as I'd like. But I have a toddler, a foster kitten plus three other cats, a photography business, a blog, a home to care for and an active social life. Sometimes it bugs me that I'm not moving forward with all of my goals as much as I'd like, but then again, no one's on fire so I'm doing ok.

    1. I was going to add that I can't imagine how parents manage to do it all. I'm struggling without kids thrown into the mix. I get the same feelings of not moving forward enough, but we'll get there. I need to get into the habit of setting less goals per day. I always pile too much on my plate.

  5. It's a struggle, fortunately I have an office and space in the garage to put stock. A lot of my stock is clothing which I can keep pretty under control. But it's the bigger items that start to get things out of hand and infringe on how much more I can bring into the house. I try and keep stock confined to the office and garge as I refuse to have it over run the house......and I've got little ones who would get into everything. Having said that though my laundry and curtain rails through the house have vintage children's clothing hanging everywhere drying etc, whilr I process my last bulk score.

    1. Lucky lucky. My BF has a house and is kindly letting me take over his unused sun room for merchandise! :D Can't wait to "move in."

  6. Too too true!! And with the holidays coming up,I feel doubly pressured to keep on top of things.
    I've decided not to buy anything to resell this month unless I KNOW I can make an insane amount of money on it.I've culled through the stuff that hasn't sold and have been listing like crazy to thin out the hoard.

    1. I'm prepping for the holidays too, now is the time!

  7. Your living room = my dining room. I dream of a big, well-lit space with a door that closes it off from everything else.

    1. It's fun to dream... ;) I'm lucky enough to be moving merchandise into a space soon. I can have a home again, yay!

  8. Oh thank God. Another creative soul/thrifter/reseller/blogger with spatial organization issues. I clean and organize constantly. And yet it never seems to be clean/organized for long. So much stuff! I use Rubbermade totes that fit under the bed for the small stuff that's waiting to be sold. At least that's mostly out of the way. But you should have seen all the stuff I had to move just to stage today's blog photo shoot. What a mess...

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

    1. Too many bloggers aren't showing the behind the scenes turmoil. I'm staging some photo shoots at the moment: chaos! I keep my hoard in big rubbermade containers in the closet, I'm fortunate enough to be moving it all to a permanent storage area out of my home soon.

  9. shoot!Hopefully,You will reach the top of the level. We want to work with legends like you.



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