Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Your Essential Top 10 Blog Checklist: Steps to Take Before You Blog

Running a stand-out blog looks easy, but ample pre-planning, time, and work goes into it. I've worked as a pro blogger and marketer for years and I'm proud to share what I've learned in this essential Top 10 Before You Blog Checklist. If you already blog, go through the list to refresh your mission. Save and bookmark the list, and check as you go!

1.)PICK PASSION: Choose a topic you'll NEVER get tired of.

2.)MAKE GOALS: What will your blog accomplish? Write goals and ACTION steps to accomplish them!

3.)ENVISION: Your blog is an experience. Write a list detailing the impression your blog should leave on your readers.

4.)CONSIDER READERS: Don't merely write for yourself. You'll gain hundreds of readers only when write posts that entertain and/or aid your audience.

5.)CHOOSE A DEMOGRAPHIC: Envision your ideal reader(s), knowing your audience helps you choose where to network and advertise.

6.)WRITE 31: Start with one month's worth of posts. You'll develop your voice and start ahead of the game.

7.)PLAN AHEAD: Schedule your first two months of posts. Struggling to come up with 60+ posts? You chose wrong! Back to step one with you!

8.)PICK YOUR POISON: Choose Typepad, Blogger, or Wordpress. Blogger is great for beginners, Wordpress is more advanced and powerful.

9.)NAME IT: Choose a name, choose it well! Reflect on the posts you've written if you need help.

10.)DESIGN IT: Make a unique banner. Experiment to develop an attractive layout that suits your style and how you post.

This is the check list I wish I had when I started my blogging adventure. Many early blog posts lack purpose, this checklist gives you a clear path and a head-start as a beginner. I'll be going through this list again to reboot and refocus for the new year, and you should too!

By the way, I offer graphic design and blog/online store marketing and start-up assistance services. If you need help, feel free to drop me a line! I'm passionate about helping others succeed with their small business dreams.

What do you feel makes the best blog? Any blogging tips of your own to share? I'd love to know what you think!
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  1. For me, as a reader, I like blogs that post often. Nothing turns me off like going to a blog to see that last entry was posted three months ago!

    1. Posting frequently is one of the keys to success blogging, especially when you first start and you're establishing a tone and building an audience. I prefer a frequently updated blog too, but also appreciate sites/blogs that update slowly because they strive for perfection in each post and turn out a superior product.

    2. I like blogs that update often, too. I do follow some blogs that don't update often, but when they do, their updates are fantastic. However, I lose interest in blogs when the blogger doesn't blog often & in every post vows to blog more often, "I've been a bad blogger" "I'm going to post more" "blah blah blah blah blah". And last the 10 updates say the same thing. BYE BYE.

    3. A blogger should never write an apology for not posting often. EVER. Perhaps write a note that you're changing your posting schedule if you find you can't post at the same frequency, but the apologies are unprofessional and boring. But really, you don't have to say anything, just follow-up with a good post when you're ready.

  2. Those are excellent points you all are mentioning about frequency of posting. You don't want to turn your readers off with too MANY posts, but you don't want to leave your blog dry. I think once a week it a fair amount of posting, especially if you're (like in my case) working on projects and stuff. My posts take FOREVER, but I put a lot of time for quality.

    Here is one site I subscribe to, to get emailed daily about blogging tips. BEST site for helping bloggers. It's called

    Thrift Diving

    1. Some of my favorite websites only update once a month or once every few months because they're taking time turning out their product (like my favorite comic ever!) Quality is paramount, I agree there.

      Thank you for the thoughtful feedback. I forgot about that site, off to check it out right now! I also love

  3. Thank you for posting this, Van. I've struggled with a lot of what was listed. I think what makes a great blog is also included in the above list -passion, planning, strategic marketing and a layout that fits the individual. Personally, I enjoy blogs that I learn from or connect with and/or that showcase great photography.

    1. Agreed with your last line completely. I didn't mention photography in the checklist but it really can be paramount for your blog.

  4. Thanks for the help Van, "I've been such a bad blogger lately"

  5. You are right. I felt bad at first that I wasn't posting as frequently as I once was, but I don't anymore. I would rather do a good post once a week than do 7 "meh" posts. As always, thanks for the tips Van!

    1. Glad to help! With everything we do, quality trumps mere quantity.

  6. good advice but I got distracted looking at the beautiful typewriter :)

    1. It's one of my only family heirlooms, it was my mom's :) Hope the advice helps!

  7. This is a wonderful article, So much info given in it, These type of articles keeps the users interest in the website, keep on sharing more... good luck

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