Monday, December 3, 2012

Thrift Haul: The Scary, Obscene, and More Vintage Surprises. + Robot!

I ended my thrifting reprieve when I drove to the flea market early yesterday morning. It was sunny and brisk when BF and I arrived, vendors were still unpacking and setting up their wide assortment of wares. It was a relaxing way to get some fresh air before my kitchen shift.

I scored and got amazing deals on a choice few lovely vintage pieces, some hilarious, some terrifying! Behold their glory!:

Let's start with the funny. In front of the gorgeous (and huge, over 12 inches long!) log planter you'll see the bizzare ceramic carrot kitchen wall hanging that will henceforth be called The Penis Carrot.

Is it meant to be a wall hook? I don't know. All I know is that I love The Penis Carrot!

I found another beautiful WowWee Tri-Bot (Thank you Nat, for identifying him in the comments on another blog post). They're hard to come by and so fun to play with, I had a blast with my last one before it quickly sold. I'm selling this one for $15.00. Can't beat it and it makes a great gift for kids, or the kid at heart.

The faded Astro Jigger (Astro Whut!? Your naughty cup, you!) cup was an impulse purchase that won me over. Damn my barware fetish! Selling this groovy cup for $6.00.

These adorable bronze animals are very Christmas-ay and could not be left behind either. Very sweet faces they have.

They're fun to play with, too! Selling each set of three for $12.00 or all of them for $20.00.

These adorable opaque barrel shot glasses make a fun set for a man cave or beer lover. I'm selling the trio for $8.00.

This beautiful maroon bowling ball bag is the third bag I've found, the first one that came equipped with a pair of pretty lady's shoes. I'm selling the bag and shoes together for $15.00.

I encountered a big haul of adorable vintage (or is this vintage reproduction?) trivet and it was the only one in the bunch I had to take home with me. I love the message and I'm a closet bunny enthusiast. The animal figures here were too whimsical to resist. Selling the trivet for $8.00.

This beautiful boat plaque is pretty big at over 12 inches tall. It jumped out at me and it was love at first sight. I absolutely love boats and nautical pieces. This one seems to be cast iron, I'm selling it for $20.00.

And I've saved "The Scary" for last. Yuko, move aside and let us see the full horror up close.

Oh dear lord! Get the holy water, banish it! These are genuinely pretty freaky but the price was amazing and they do have an amusing uncanny valley kitsch factor.

I'm selling the paintings as a set for $15.00. Again, can't be beat! The horror fan in me will always scoop up an odd clown painting when the price ain't bad!

SALE! sale! sale! EVERYTHING in this post is for sale, if you'd like anything you see, please e-mail me. Thanks!

What did you find this weekend?

Daily thrifting updates, information, & Inspiration: Follow Thrift Core on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. That cast iron ship is AMAZING! I love it all, but that one's my fave. :)

    1. That was my favorite find of the day too. I was so luck to score that one for cheap!

  2. The leaping bunny is what really cracks me up about the "my get up and go got up in went". What finds!

  3. Hello Van,

    Your sweet little bronze animals remind me of the book Significant Objects. (Walker & Glenn, Fantagraphics Books) They bought "insignificant" objects, mainly at thrift stores, and then had well-know writers compose stories about the buys (fictional.) They found that the stories raised the value of the objects.

    Your short statements about their beauty or their "Christmas-ay" quality make your little bronzes more intriguing and more valuable.


    1. I agree Rodney, it's the story of an item that intrigues many buyers. I've noticed the more colorful my description's "Stories" are, the quicker that item will sell. I've got to check out "Signigicant Objects," that books sounds meant for me! I've always wanted to start a series on the blog where I write the hypothetical story of an item I buy or leave behind at the thrift store with a picture, but it doesn't seem to fit the rest of my content. Maybe one day...

  4. those little brass penguins remind me of the animated scenes of 'mary poppins'. so dapper and charming!

    1. They do look like Disney clones cast in bronze! :D

  5. Penis Carrot! Hahaha! That thing is awesome! And the clowns...dude, they are frightening! : )

  6. Replies
    1. Now I hope someone finds them scary-cool enough to buy ;) They're going into the booth today.

  7. Looks more like a clitoris carrot that took a little too much testosterone. Chyna anyone?

    Love the clowns!

    1. There's that, too. "Clit Carrot" is catchy...

  8. That trivet is adorable-- I'd hang it as wall art! :)

  9. I too think the ship is beautiful.
    It would make a lovely door stop.
    I might be inclined to purchase it from you but it wouldn't be very thrifty to pay the P&H to ship it to Washington state.

    1. It's a wall hanging anyway so it would make a bad door stop unless some adjustments were made ;) It's gorgeous, I still consider myself lucky to have scored it!


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