Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thrifty Holiday DIY: Small Toy Stocking Stuffers

Christmas will be here in five days! Every year I say I'll have all the present stuff wrapped-up by now but yet again I've failed. If you're scrambling like me, here's an easy stocking stuffer idea that you can thrift-for last-second.

[I'm about to take these jars to my antique store booth to sell, hence the prices.]

Nearly every thrift store has a selection of awesome little toys. I found these a flea market and was going to make jewelry out of them, but changed my mind. They're a set of colorful cowboys and Indians combined with toy soldiers:

You can bag them with crinkle paper and small clear cell bags (get them from the Dollar Store or the baking section nearly anywhere) for an easy, appealing look:

Or if you've been saving old jar, you can fill your jars with crinkle paper and colorful toys:

I have the DIY on how I made my set of comic book topped chalkboard toy jars right here.

What are you crafting-up these last few days before Christmas? I'm going to be cooking up a storm, wrapping thrifted gifts, and heading to a locally-owned toy store to find special gifts for my nieces and nephews.

Daily thrifting updates, information, & Inspiration: Follow Thrift Core on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. I'm having a surprising amount of fun making ribbons from magazine ads. It's dressing up my can goods and providing a mind numbing holiday craft while I watch Season 1 of Girls. ;)

  2. These look good. Thanks for the idea!

  3. My dad and I share a booth and everything he bags, toys, Christmas stuff, always sells in our booth! I'm going to have to start doing that as well!

    1. Bagged smalls do tend to sell well. I'm taking mine to the booths today. :)

  4. That's a really good idea. Have you tried bagging and selling costume jewelry or other smalls that could be grouped together? PS, are you still going to rebrand Thriftcore? Hadn't heard you mention anything else about it lately... :)

    1. Michelle: Yep, I've done lots of packaging of costume jewelry and smalls and will continue to do more. Customers love them!

      The rebrand/partnership wasn't possible. However, I will be changing the direction of the content and the blog layout, steering more toward a general "thrifty lifestyle" and "personal lifestyle" blog as originally intended when I launched it years ago. It's unintentionally become a "thrifting/reselling" blog.

    2. Oh well, sometimes these things happen for a reason. Thriftcore is a great name so I'm glad you'll be keeping it! Also, I think you did a great job with the design of the site- love the color palette and layout. That's a really cool wallpaper at the top. Did you make the pattern yourself? But I understand all must evolve so I'm sure your new design will be just as cool!

    3. That was one of the reasons why it didn't happen, Thrift Core is an established brand and domain name and it's really hard to go back now that it's where it's at. I made the pattern at the top with font dingbats. I like how the site design makes me stand out in the "lifestyle blogger" arena, but it'll be nice to refresh things for the new year and make the site easier to navigate.

      Thank you so much for the kind words Michelle, I really appreciate that the encouragement.

  5. Love those vintage toys! If you want to find out how to use thrift stores to earn an income online, visit us!


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  11. **Thrifty Holiday DIY: Small Toy Stocking Stuffers** are fun, budget-friendly gifts that are easy to make. Here are a few ideas:

    1. **Mini DIY Clay Figures**: Craft cute little animals or characters from oven-bake clay.
    2. **Pom-Pom Keychains**: Make colorful pom-pom keychains using yarn for a fun, personalized gift.
    3. **Paper Airplane Kit**: Create a DIY kit with colorful paper and instructions for fun, foldable airplanes.
    4. **Homemade Slime**: Mix up some fun slime in different colors or scents and pack it into small jars.
    5. **Beaded Bracelets**: Design simple beaded bracelets or necklaces that can be customized.

    These simple projects are great for adding a personal touch to your stockings without breaking the bank!


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