Thursday, May 2, 2013

5 Kick-Ass Productivity Tips For When You Just Can't Fit in One More Task

"There's never enough hours in the day, I can't do it all!" We whine when the house mess piles up along with our work tasks. Working for yourself is challenging because no one's on your ass pushing you to work or avoid distractions. Thing is, everyone has the same hours in a day! No more excuses! Let's get productive:

1. Break Projects into Action Steps: First, identify your project. Let's say  you want to list 200 items on Etsy this month. Break this into smaller action steps like, "clean the 200 items", "set up the photography area", "write descriptions", and "edit photos".

2. Write a Schedule: I schedule blog posts, meals, and everything I possibly can 1-2 months ahead of time. I'll stray when things come up but having the general guideline keeps me going in the right direction. Set deadlines, stick to them.

3. Set Timers and Alarms: Work FAST! Set a timer, hit your task, and knock it out as quickly and efficiently as possible. (Time a work day for yourself, you may be surprised at how "slow" you're going- and at how many hours you've wasted on Facebook!)

4. WILL POWER. No Mercy:  Be the asshole boss. Give yourself a zero tolerance policy for tardiness, sit at your desk at 9:00AM and get to work. Don't stop until it's done. It's hard, but success depends on it.

5. Try a Goal Wall: Visuals program your subconscious to hit your goals. Try an inspiration wall right in front of where you work. What are you working for? Tack up photos of your dream vacation destination, dream house, or your kids. (My inspiration wall is photos of health food I wanna try!)

Try More Gimmicks! Scent is strongly associated with memory, perhaps burn a certain scented candle only when you're working. Make several work music playlists. Try a reward system, treat yourself to an Etsy purchase, food, or thrift trip, but ONLY if you hit your goals. Bigger treats for bigger goals.

What do you do to keep focused and through the hard times? Do share in the comments!
Daily thrifting updates, information, & Inspiration: Follow Thrift Core on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. I'm in the process of working on a goal wall. Agreed, schedules and breaking things down into steps helps a lot, too. I can't do timers though... I get all skitzy anticipating the ding. :)

    Great advice!!!

    1. I use and my cell phone's timers. I can't see them wind town or hear the ticking so I just get lost in my work. The digital bell is less shrill than the real thing, too!

  2. I try not to be an asshole. It's a work in progress.

    1. I'm very self-critical to the point of mimicking old asshole bosses too well and hurting progress somethings, I get ya. ;p But I notice that subsides a bit if I'm steady and productive so I'm not stressed, playing catch-up, and hating myself.

  3. I love these tips! I'm work full time and am always trying to squeeze in all my little side projects in my spare time, so I never feel like I have enough time, especially when you add in housework and errands, etc. I actually have been doing the timer thing to help me focus on one task at a time, because I realized I get easily distracted. It seems to be working!
    -Melissa @ Scavenger Hunt

    1. I feel your pain, I was there before. There was a time where I was running on very little sleep to get side-work done. Probably could have avoided that if I was planning/scheduling things better at the time.

  4. Great tips! The most helpful thing I do is to write everything down first in a notebook and then transfer it all to my phone. So many things happen in a day, it's hard to keep track of them all! Agree about the timers! When I'm feeling slow, a timer always gets me going.

    I love your blog:))

  5. I'm always taking notes on things to make/do, too. I've tried using my phone and various organization aps but I prefer my notebooks.

  6. In all seriousness I've got two kids 4 and 2 years old and another baby due in August, knowing I'm going to be restricted on time and have to change my routine regularly with growing children's needs, makes it a pretty big motivator. Life, business and blog are now at all a point where my soul just says I have to work on my passion. So somehow, someway I just make it happen. Realistically though kids everything I planned to do can get thrown out the window at any given time. So as long as I can go to bed at night and achieved anything of value to overall dream big a small, I'm pleased with myself.

    1. I admire the amount you're able to kid done with the kids and one on the way! Moms have my respect.

  7. Two things I cannot work without: Playlists and Post-its! I'm constantly making notes of ideas, supplies, to-do lists, etc...and sticking them on the computer, the alarm clock, the day planner...everywhere! And nothing gets me in the mood to get things accomplished like a good playlist.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting

    1. I used to do post-its but now I constantly scribble in my notebook. Stopped buying day planners as well to streamline though I miss having the calendar part for at-a-glance planning.

  8. I'm happy you found my blog, and I found yours! Following you now :)

    #2 is a great tip. I find if I don't schedule blog posts at least a weak ahead of time, they won't happen.

    Lastly, I sell that dress you are wearing above on eBay. I wonder if you purchased it from me?

    What Lola Wants

    1. Nope, my mom bought it from a store she manages. Thanks for following :)

  9. I just figured out the awesomeness that is working fast. I can't say it was a real problem with eBay but cleaning the house dannng I was like a turtle. Give myself a thirty minute rule and watch me go. I always had a quick pace at work, I guess I didn't think it applied at home.

    Other than that, I'm four days after quitting my job. I'm trying to gather supplies and start organizing receipts and well you know boring. Hopefully I'll set a schedule this weekend.

    1. I have noticed I can work like a turtle too without a timer and really forcing myself to work at stuff. Might try some green tea again tomorrow, too. Whatever it takes, got goals to hit!

  10. I agree; staying focused when you're working for yourself is hard. To stay on track, I write out my daily schedule the night before. When working on tasks I don't particularly enjoy, I will sometimes make myself do a certain amount of work, and then allow myself the luxury to get up and take a mini-break. Sometimes the mini break will allow me to catch up on some blogs or reading. Then I make myself get right back to work. I find these mini-breaks helps me get through less enjoyable tasks. If I don't break up my work time, like the perpetual dieter, I feel deprived, and then I'll go the other extreme and procrastinate and not get any work done.

    1. Love your tips! I need to schedule more tiny breaks and rewards ;p


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