Psychological research reports the following top fears: self-consciousness, not being successful, the future, looking foolish, public speaking and making mistakes. Paradoxically, making mistakes, planning the future, making an ass out of yourself, and getting very uncomfortable is
essential for reaching your life's dreams.
Confession time: I have been complacent as hell all year!
I've been working on Thrift Core for 3-4 years, my income is stable and due to healthy lifestyle changes my expenses dropped. I work daily, but it's easier now; routine. I haven't grown and innovated like I should. My big wake-up call is the event occurring on October 16th, my 27th birthday!
I am crossing the threshold into my late twenties and it's a landmark year. Age is just a number and there's no deadline for accomplishing
anything in life, I sincerely believe that. Yet there's a lot I
must achieve before thirty. It's go-time, no more complacency! I'm putting my
26 Before 27 list out there to hold myself accountable
and to inspire you to do the same. There's no better time to get started on avoiding your statistically likely fear of
not being a success by working on being one
1. Too negative lately. I will actively make a habit of replacing all negative thoughts with positive ones!
2. Get all of my personal life together ASAP! Everything organized, finish all non-work goals I neglect.
3. Stick to a ruthless daily work schedule and accomplish shit daily so I can have DAYS OFF! Yay! Miss those!
4. Do something fun on every day off, something new! Explore. Photos. Things!
5. Learn to Swim
really well, eventually want to try to surf! I love the beach!
6. Work on my book every work day.
7. Contact at least 5 publishers. Let's get the rejection letters rolling!
8. Visit 10 New Places in my own City. (In my own neighborhood, even!)
9. Visit 10 New Places outside my City.
10. Complete 3 drawings a week, 36 total! Project 36 Drawings Starts NOW!
11. Get rid of 100 or more possessions. Too. Much. Crap!
12. Get 2 weeks ahead on blog content.
13. Increase blog content quality, try my hardest on every single post. Edit! Ruthlessly!
14. Revamped Antique Mall Booth to pimped Thrift Core perfection.
15. Start my Jacksonville, Florida thrifty Apartment and Home Tour Series.
16. Start my Thrift Core YouTube video series.
17. Start my own thrifty and thrifted apartment before/after series. Perhaps interior design jobs one day!
18. Go to at least one art show or gallery per week for a total of at LEAST 12! Back to art! I miss it!
19. Make 2 crafts/DIYS per week and document the process.
20. Attempt to collaborate with 10 people/businesses I wouldn't have thought to try. Outside the box!
21. Contact my long list of magazines I'd like to work with or publish something in. Life dream!
22. Finish my first eBook! (Starting a web biz, reselling, blogging, marketing, whole living...hmm!)
23. Take at least 50 photos for my Etsy photo art print page I want to start.
24. Scan 50 book pages for the Etsy book page I've been collecting on for years.
25. Get myself moving every single day, start the long daily walk and/or bike ride habit again!
26. Vacation. Even if it's a mini-one, go somewhere, take some extended time off.
And so I'm not just brow-beating myself, here's some accomplishments I've achieved by 26: Won a city-wide essay contest to earn my first PC, have made dozens of websites, self-taught myself HTML and graphic design in middle & high school, landed a pro writing job/marketing job at 21 with no college degree, published writer (ghost writing, but still!), transitioned from bad diet to raw veganism, survived several strict detoxes that previously seemed impossible, achieved profitable self-employment, have collaborated with VERY talented artists, have had art in galleries- shows- and purchased to display inside people's homes (!), established a brand/blog that reaches and inspires thousands globally- and viewers like YOU- THANK YOU for following along. I love that you're here.
What are your goals for the next 3 months? Don't be shy, share in the comments! What are your 26 goals for the next 3 months?! (12 weeks, 84 days!) By the way, would it help if I showed an update of these goals every Sunday and invited you to share your own?
Life Goal Sundays!?
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