Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Easy Vegan Sides for a Lighter Thanksgiving Feast: Stuffing, Pudding, Pie & More

Today's going to be a busy one, if you're anything like me you still need to rush around and get a few ingredients for the proverbial feasting! Here's a few sides I'm going to bring to Thanksgiving, healthy raw vegan bites that'll help everyone digest the heavier fare! Let's start with a new one for munching a seasonal fruit:

This persimmon pudding is full of autumn flavor, delicious, nutritious and fool proof. Simply blend soft-to-the-touch ripe permissions (they take forever to ripen, you can use the hard ones and still get  a yummy pudding) I used 7 but you can use as many as you like, and cinnamon, 3 teaspoons or more. My vitamix turned it into a completely smooth and dreamy pudding!

I'm also going to make this amazing looking Raw Vegan stuffing by Megan Elizabeth. Goes to show you anything cooked can be reproduced with the right spices and creativity! The zucchini will give it that soft "bready" feel.

Kristina also has an amazing looking raw vegan Pumpkin Pie brownie recipe I may have to try. I have a raw pumpkin pie recipe too if you want to look at some options.

More Go-To Recipes: Here are some more ideas from the archives!

Banana ice cream (toss in nutmeg and cinnamon to make it festive), pumpkin pie or peach crumble for desert anyone?

Creamy onion or broccoli cheddar soup for your starter

Make your own nut milk for recipes or to serve with desert

Raw Hummus and/or nutritional yeast dressing with veggies on the side

Choose from any of these five lush salads

Comments are off today, I'll be running around flea marketing, visiting people, taking photos for an awesome Christmas post/home tour, working with a customer, grocery store, adding as much to Etsy as possible, business! E-mail me, tweet me, or hit me up on Instagram if you have any questions or recipes to share! Please come back for my BIG BLACK FRIDAY VINTAGE SALE on Friday!
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