Thursday, May 29, 2014

Maggie's Herb Farm Garden Festival: Plant Dreaming in a Hippie Paradise

Maggie's Herb Farm is situated along a particularly scenic part of County Road 214, 20 minutes west of St. Augustine, very close to the St. Johns river. The sell their diverse array of herbs, rare and mainstream alike, at The Riverside Arts Market a few minutes away from me, but I didn't explore the herb farm until a couple of weeks ago.

I went with Lea, a coworker from the raw vegan kitchen I part time at and her mom to explore their charming garden fest. Vendors sold delicious treats, aprons, jewelry, soaps, garden decor and more under the shade of towering trees.

Maggie's herb farm is a licensed nursery owned by an herbalist, the gardens are beautiful and there's a wide variety of medicinal and culinary herbs to purchase.

I loved this charming gift shop on the property, likely where the various classes are held. Next time I visit I'll have to sit and enjoy some treats! I love the paintings all over the walls and ceiling.

I'm taking 4 Valerian tablets at night before bed to help me sleep, by the way. It's 1:24 AM as I write this. It's not working! I want to try the tea next, though. And would love to own the live plant. I enjoy trying different herbs for all ailments.

We left with a back seat full of amazingly fragrant herbs. For a final surprise I was "molested" by a solid white spider on the ride home. Spider crawling up my arm....not a fan. But the spider harassment was worth it for herbal goodness and inspiration. I always want to Do All The Things and I've often dreamed of going to school to be an herbalist (or "Witch Doctor" I joke to friends and family) and starting an Herb Farm of my own. Who knows what the future holds. I'll just enjoy visiting greenhouses and growing as many herbs as possible in the meantime. I'm planting seeds and plotting a new garden.

Check out the Maggie's Herb Farm website if your in the North Florida area. They have lots of plants and interesting classes available.

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