Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Your New Years Resolution Super Post (Keep Going!) A Multi-Year Round-Up

I hope your new years is going well! I've charged through January keeping resolutions and holy hell, organizing the HELL out of my home and business, taking it all to another level of productivity. Like, there were tears and fighting and pain along the way, it was that thorough.

I take my organizing dead seriously, as you know. 

It was all worth it because SO much is getting done and so beautifully, too!

I'm sharing this round-up of tips for keeping your resolutions and general new years tips goodness here on January 31st. I'm not sure if it's a worldwide problem but here in North America we tend to stop talking about resolutions and setting goals to be our best-selves as soon as February 1st hits.

But that's nonsense.
Because self-improvement is a daily thing, forever!

Let's keep going for the rest of the year! Here are some of my favorite posts to keep you going:

My KonMari Journey + FAQ/Follow-Up (Still my FAVORITE method ever, I use these it DAILY in my home and shop)

Organized Home Checklist: Transform Your Messy Life Into Streamlined Efficiency

Speed Cleaning Checklist

Perfect Picture-Hanging Secret: Hang Your Art like an Art Gallery Owner

Short-Cuts for Achieving a Healthy, Minimalist Life

Simplify Your Life in 5 Steps

10 Top Whole Living Tool and Solution List, Great Ideas for Improving Health into the Year

Detailed Small Business and Household Accounting Methods Early in the year is a great time to get started on this!

How to Methodically Plan and Write Blog Posts Consistently Over Time

Envelope Budgeting Method

Weight Loss Tip They Won't Tell You: Don't Make it About Weight Loss

Why I Won't Shut the Hell Up About Veggies: My Weight Loss Journey

My Giant New Years Weight Loss and Healthy Recipe Round-Up

5 Action Steps for Transforming Your Health

Why I'm Glad We Started Our Store the Broke No-Money Way

And don't forget to stop and remember you're exactly where you need to be.

And if you're just lost this year, here's an exercise to help you find out what you want to do with your life.

If you have any questions or are nosy for behind-the-scenes check out my business & personal Instagram feeds.

Happy New Year! (How is your year going so far?)
For daily updates, information, & Inspiration: Follow me on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram.

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